Thursday, July 19, 2007


Its been months since I wrote here and I did'nt think I would be back. Last few months have been quite heavy with work and family. Work had suddenly created a lot of tensions and though most of it is ironed out there are still a few things that are giving me headaches hopefully they will be sorted out soon. In the mean time I will try and keep posting on here. I just got back to the UAE last week after a 2 week break in Pakistan.

The whole time I was in Pakistan the "Red Mosque" saga was taking place, every TV station had the depressing scenes repeated every day 24 hours of the day. This was the firt time I was in Pakistan that I was'nt really happy about being there. Most situations in most countries improve with time but it seems Pakistan is drifting back in time, instead of things improving things are getting worse, whatever you look at, whatever you see is going bad like a crate of mangoes set out in the heat for a couple of days. It hurts to see where Pakistan is today and it hurts to know and feel that probably nothing is going to change. Those in whome we believe tend to let us down, I had hopes with General Musharraf when he took over, I had hoped that he would be the agent of change but alas he has like a million others fallen prey to the political and social culture that is Pakistan. I can only hope for a better tomorrow because hope is something that no one can take away from us.


Miss Specs said...

Hmm...looking forward to some interesting, creatice stuff coming our way again. Welcome back from the haitus! Hope everything solves itself all nice and propah soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I wonder if any country is really improving these days. It seems everytime one looks around the mangoes are getting more and more rotten everywhere.... The US? not much hope here - just look at the clowns who want to replace the grand usurper. The UK? not a chance. India? I wouldn't count on it, the social contradictions are so deep.

fun times we live in. At least it is spawning lots of social commentary and I look forward to reading more of yours.

Destitute Rebel said...

Miss Specs, thnak you I am still quite busy but i will try to keep this blog updated.

Welcome Chad, thats true when you look at the bigger realm of things we realize that most of the things are stagnant or moving in a backward direction, its just when it hits closer to home it hurts a bit more and its in the face a bit more.

Boo! said...

Dude, we were both in Pakistan at the same time seems like it... would've been nice to catch up.

Chalo... maybe next time then.

Destitute Rebel said...

yeah seems so, well you cans top by dubai next time you go to Pakistan, your visit is due.

EXSENO said...

Good to see you back safely.

Destitute Rebel said...

Exseno thank you.