Saturday, December 09, 2006

What do you see


Destitute Rebel said...

Interesting interpretition, lets hear what the others have to say.

Anonymous said...

Mine is similar..a naked man lying in teh forest, with an attacker with a sword planning to strike him..

beauty and tragedy with a bit of shame thrown in ..

Destitute Rebel said...

Zak, I guess I missed that should go back and check it out.

What only Da Vinci, no Dali, no Mattise, Monet, Picasso or Renoir, where are you people.

clayfuture said...

I see a big ass!

Destitute Rebel said...

Look deeper man, please. There is a lot more. Thats why I asked for Da Vinci, Dali, Mattise and Monet this is what I would have expected from a ATV driving banshee.

clayfuture said...

@Dreb.. Hey! this ATV driving banshee is also an artist! :D

Here's what I see:
A man whose decisions and actions in this lifetime will determine his entry into heaven or hell. He is tired, confused and his faith is weak.

Therefore, the 2 sides of the coin. Hell on his left, signified by the dagger, the dark and threatnening patterns and colors and the drop of blood on the far left.

Heaven on the right, signified by the flowers, the sun and water on the top right and the drop of water on the far right.

We can all relate to this. How we live our life on earth will determine which door will be opened for us: Heaven or Hell!

clayfuture said...

Interesting enough???

Destitute Rebel said...

@clayfuture - Definately interesting.

BuJ said...

I see a man who's lost and confused in the forest of life. He's also fallen because of some problem and has to make a big decision.

Either he stays and dies from the sword hanging above him or he picks himself up and enjoys life and that is articulated via the flowers.

There are also cracks on the left to signify imperfections, and cobble stones in the middle towards the horizon to show that there is a path (albeit small) if you search hard enough for it.

Nice piece of art DReb

Destitute Rebel said...

Thanks Buj I guess there will be more art, I like how people interpret the crappy art that I make.