They say "never judge a book by its cover" how right it felt today. An interesting thing happened at work today, I was sitting in my office and a call came, one of the sales people took the call in the outside office, for 15 mins I overheard a conversation between a prospective client and my sales staff, he was asking for a discount of Dhms. 200 on a Price of Dhms. 600. The sales staff is not authorized to give that price and the buyer was not willing to go elsewhere, after being amused by the conversation for some time I asked the sales staff to transfer the call to me and figured might as well have some fun, what can I say it was quite boring today.
I tried to explain to the guy that the price he was asking was not worth it for me, but he was adamant that he wanted that price and he wanted that price from me. After another 15 mins of conversation, I figured he'd earned it, told him it was his and he would be picked up by the driver at the designated place. Hung up the phone, called the guy a "KANJOOS" (miser), and went on looking blankly at the computer screen. When the driver came back, he said he had been tipped Dhms 200. the amount the fellow had haggled over for half an hour. He wasn't Kanjoos after all.
it is very rare that someone surprizes us so pleasantly. the only thing which puzzles me is the fact that he insisted on using the services of your company!
Yeah it was a pleant surprise, Apparently he had used our services before, thats why he wanted to use us again.
Now this is what I call a fresh look! AT LAST you change it, mubarak ho!
Hey SS! This friend of mine had been after me for ages, so I figured might as well make it "fresh".
Nice "fresh" look. :) Sweet story.
White looks much better than the black! :)
i had a question, if youve been to my new blog youll notice it looks quite similar to yours. my blog title and blog description are not in the center though and that has been bugging me. could you help me with this??
thanks :)
hehe! liking the new look of the blog!
@ Goodie Girl, Thanks yes it is looking fresh, will play around with it a bit.
@TFL, I don't know if you are using the new blogger or the old one, Think its the new one and you messed with the code to put in the title and the picture. What you need to do is resize the picture and put it in as a new item above the title, u'll need to change the code a bit. I'm using the old blogger so I can do it all in html. I can't tell you much unless I know what you are using and how you put it in in the first place. In the new blogger I had to do something different for the globalthemes blog to get it right. Globalthemes has the same template as yours.
@ Dr. Bongi, thank you.
Wow, that's an amazing story.
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